Bullet castmaster
Bullet castmaster

bullet castmaster

This can be a smelly task, so position yourself upwind from the smelting pot and/or add a fan to blow the fumes away from you. Once I get the pot about half full, it is time to let the wheel weights melt completely.

bullet castmaster

I like to load about a handful of wheel weights at a time. I like to start by getting the pot warm to ensure it is dry. The reason for smelting the wheel weights into ingots is to get the steel clips out of the lead and remove any dirt or impurities. I procured a natural gas burner, regulator, and a cast iron frying pan for smelting the wheel weights into ingots. It then measures the dimple’s diameter and compares that number to a supplied chart to get the hardness. The process uses a reloading press and a spring-loaded punch. The Lee kit measures harness by putting a dimple in a lead bullet. If you need to know the bullet’s hardness closer than a guess (which I believe is a good tool to have on hand) I use the Lee kit. There are several kits that measure Brinell hardness. The reason for smelting the wheel weights into ingots is to get the steel clips out of the lead, as well as to remove dirt and impurities. I also picked up a cast iron frying pan for smelting the wheel weights into ingots. I came home with a natural gas burner, regulator, and hose for about $25. Also, as cast bullets age - for the first three weeks or so - they will harden a little. Water-quenched bullets are harder than air-cooled. The step is not necessary for pistol bullets, but it is a step that works for me. To further harden them, I water quench the bullets right from the mold. 5% tin, and 4% antimony) work in my pistols. However, for my casting purposes, wheel weights (about 95.5% lead. You can alloy pure lead with a lead/tin solder in ratios to get the desired hardness. Pure lead is too soft for use in front of smokeless powder, so a lead alloyed with a small amount of tin and antimony will add the hardness needed (more on that later) for clean shooting bullets. I should clarify why I am using wheel weights.


This is a good time to mention -in case you haven’t guessed - that a five-gallon bucket full of wheel weights is heavy, so be careful loading your haul. After a few stops and some animated conversation, I had liberated three 5-gallon buckets full of wheel weights. I had a few days before my equipment was expected to arrive, so I decided to scour the local tire stores for old wheel weights. 45 Auto) and 356402 (a truncated cone for Super. I chose Lyman molds 452630 (a 200-grain lead semi-wadcutter for. I really enjoy reloading, so I was optimistic on casting. The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook should be read at least twice before any steps on casting or smelting begins. ※ GUIDE / All Models use FUJI titanium frame SIC ring and Guides.The Master Casting Kit includes a 10-pound electric pot, ladle, 4500 bullet sizer/lubricator, four cavity one-pound ingot mold, and the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook. ( the greatest versatile of seabass game ) This rod is an all round rod and can be the main rod on your fishing expeditions giving long casts even against the wind. Designed to target from small to huge seabass, this rod will deal fast and precise even with large barracudas, bluefish, bonitos, leerfish and any other challenge.

bullet castmaster

We focused on cast feel and its light weight so you can keep casting 12- 14cm minnow fully all day. This is a true all round rod and can be used in big ports, rocky shores, and beach spinning, covering the distance we need to reach the fishing targets. It’s a very versatile rod and its name characterizes perfectly it’s amazing casting performance of any type of lure. Lures with weight of 10~25gr can be controlled for many different kinds of situations.

Bullet castmaster